MIG Welding Pros and Cons

Are you thinking of using MIG welding? Well, I’m sure you’ve heard of how much more efficient MIG welding is compared to any other weld. And while it’s fast, it doesn’t compromise the quality of the weld. But the MIG welding equipment seem way too mind boggling isn’t it? So is it worth your time? What’s so great about MIG welding anyway? You’ll discover everything about the good and bad, the pretty and ugly, the awesome stuff and the not so good stuff about MIG welding.
First, let’s start off with why MIG welding is superior to any other form of welding!

  • The pros of MIG Welding…

1) Much faster welding speed compared to any other form of welding.2) Plus, no flux is required in most MIG welding…and because no flux is required, no slag is trapped during welding… this is really good because this results in…
3) Higher quality welds! Without the trapped slag, it will not just result in a better weld, it will also give you….4) Less post welding cleaning! That’s pretty cool huh? It’s not just faster, better, and cleaner….5) The process is also simpler! So simple that…6) …It can even be automatic or semi-automatic!7) And much lower skill level is required to operate the MIG welding torch!

But that’s not all. You can save on a lot of resources by using MIG welding, because this form of welding is an ultra low hydrogen process. And you do not need to waste time changing electrodes! The gas shield produced during the MIG welding process also results in a minimal loss of alloying elements, giving you the most “bang” for your metals and alloys. So by switching to MIG welding, you’re not just investing in better welds or faster welds, you’re getting a cleaner, and easier process with less headaches… and also saving money in the long run!

  • But if MIG welding is so awesome, why isn’t everyone using it?

The main thing holding back most people from switching to MIG welding is the high initial setup cost.

Although the man process is fairly simple and as mentioned, somewhat automatic; the equipment used in MIG welding is very complex.
But the high costs isn’t the only thing holding people back from switching!
There are certain variables that have to be 100% on the mark to be able to use MIG welding. For example, the atmosphere surrounding the MIG welding process has to be stable in order to carry out the process correctly. If proper shielding gases aren’t used, MIG welding cannot be carried out successfully. The setting of some of the variables prior to the welding process requires a high degree of skill and knowledge. (Personally, I think this is the main thing that holds people back)
And the last bad thing about MIG welding is the radiation effects are much more severe. For the people who are concerned about the future of mother Earth, the speed and efficiency of MIG welding will probably be not as appealing to you as it does come at an expense of severe radiation effects.
All in all, MIG welding gets the job done cleaner, faster, and better. But it does come with pretty high costs and there are risks and knowledge barriers involved. I hope you’ve learn more about MIG welding pros and cons.

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