Gas cutting and Gas Welding Hazards
Welding and cutting iron sheets and rods using compressed gases can be dangerous, unless the welder is aware of safety measures to prevent a possible accident. Generally welders use oxy/fuel combustible gas for shearing and welding, even as it can be used for de-scaling, cutting, straightening and welding. In view of the easy mobility of the welding equipment and easy availability of the gas
used in the process, welders tend to ignore welding equipment safety measures before beginning their work. Many injuries and deaths have directly resulted because of absence of preventive safety measures, and careless handling of the welding equipment.
What are the usual hazards?
Gas cutting and welding involves direct exposure to molten material, sparks and heat, apart from while repairing drums/tanks, with inflammable liquids; you are exposed to grievous injuries, if you do not take precautions. Most of the fire hazards, fumes from flames, leakage of gas are the result of misuse of fire or oxygen. While moving heavy cylinders, you may invite crushing injuries.
When proper welding equipment safety measures are adopted these hazards can be averted.
Handle blowpipe which is a potent igniting source properly, as otherwise it can result in rapid spread of fire in your work area and if combustible material like wood, paper, textiles, packing plastics etc., or combustible liquids are nearby, a dangerous situation is being invited. Sometimes hot spatter emanating from these torches can also ignite materials around. Thus it is important to remove all combustible materials to safer place before starting work; in case you cannot move them, at least use some protective shields, like fiber-boards or blankets which are fire-retardant. Before commencing work, check whether there are any combustible materials hidden in the partition walls. Use flame resistant sheets, to ensure that flames do not spatter into openings. Fire watch should continue to be present for at least half an hour after completion of your work. Make sure wires are cables are kept out of reach of flames as they can result in major fires.
Welding equipment safety is greatly compromised when you are working on a tank filled with combustible liquids.
Even if the tank has no liquids right now, if it was once used for storing such liquids/materials, do not work on such containers. If you must work in such an environment assign it to someone who has specialized in such work, so that the welding equipment safety is ensured.
For working on tires, use cold cutting methods, like a saw or shearing equipment for cutting. When improperly handled, LPG, Acetylene, or other fuel gases can explode, especially when working in an improperly ventilated room. Gas leaks can lead to fire accidents, resulting in burn injuries. Tighten the valves properly before leaving workplace, so that there is no gas leakage. Turn off gas supply, before moving the cylinders. Keep all hoses away from flames so that no fire spatter lands on the hoses. Check gas leakages regularly. While checking do not use flames. Hoses which are burnt should not be used.
One of the welding equipment safety measures is to remove the hoses before lighting up the blowpipe, turn the spark igniter quickly, making it safer by checking that there are non-return valves fitted. Check whether gas pressure is correct, and whether nozzles for blowpipes are fitted properly before commencing your welding work. Moreover, you should maintain the equipment in good condition.