How to Choose the Best Welding Machine for Home Use
Welding is the process of joining metal together by the use of electricity and heat. A welding machine is the equipment that is use for the welding process. It gets ultimately difficult for one to decide on the best welding machine for his or her home. But realizing and knowing what the purpose which the welding machine is intended to serve gets a bit easier to be able to choose a good one for one’s home. Below are some tips discussed on how to choose the best welding machine for home use:-
1) Portability considerations:– If one requires not to move the machine, then he or she need to consider a bit larger machine which probably is set inside the house or a garage in the home area. If there is probability of travel with the welding machine, then, one need to consider a bit smaller of weight below 100- pounds.
2) Units size:– The unit voltage requirement of a welding machine need to be considered. For home use, a 110- volt machine is more preferable than the 220- volt one.
3) Location selection:- If the home welding processes will be carried indoors, a welding machine which is gas oriented or which utilizes gas is preferable. E.g. the MIG welding machine. On the other hand, if the process will be outdoors, then, a welding machine which uses a stick- welder or a flux- core is best. This is because will absolutely blow off the protective- gases from the gas weld.
4) Weight of the work- options:-If the machine is intended for fixation of things just around the home area or for hobby welding projects, then, a low- priced and volt model is very suitable for these needs. Otherwise, if there are customers expected to be paying visits to that particular home seeking services, then, a more costly and expensive brand and model is recommended.
5) Transportation expenses and cost:- If a machine is purchased from a local dealer in welding machines, then picking or transporting the machine to ones premises the n is not a matter. Otherwise, if a machine is order online from online dealers, the shipping expenses and prices becomes an issue to be checked. These costs are usually based on the size and weight of the welding machine. Before purchase, one needs to ensure that he or she knows the actual sum price inclusive of shipping expenses.
6) Decisions on materials:- Normally, welding of Aluminum is a process referred to as TIG. TIG requires machines which are relatively expense and most people may not afford them. However, wire fed welders or the MIG can be transformed or concerted to suite the welding process of Aluminum. The hardware required like the Spool- guns are not cheap. It is however good to note that the welding process of Aluminum cannot be done using regular stick or wire fed machines without the above hardware and attachments.
In conclusion, it is better to keep in mind that welding machines f higher- power- outputs do work or perform with thick and hard metal. However, they require or need some special and advanced power supply systems. They may not be very effective for use in a home area.